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Research>The Hitlist

The Hitlist: Compliance

The Hitlist is a new series where we will attempt to provide a quick list of security considerations for a particular technology or initiative within

Compliance|Computer & Network Security|Information Security|Research

Trustwave Global Security Report 2014: An Overview

The Trustwave Global Security Report for 2014 was recently released.  There are a number of very useful and insightful statistics in this report, which we can

Computer & Network Security|Information Security>Data Breach|Compliance>HIPPA|Compliance>PCI|Research

Study: Cost of Data Breaches Increasing

A study published by Ponemon Institute, and sponsored by IBM, purported that the average total cost of data breaches increased 15% in the last year to

Computer & Network Security>Microsoft|Computer & Network Security>Microsoft Security Bulletin

Microsoft Security Bulletin: May 2014

Critical Updates: 3 Important Updates: 6 Of the 3 critical updates, all three are likely exploitable according to Microsoft.  Our recommendation is to install all

Compliance|Computer & Network Security|Information Security>Data Breach

eBay Asking Users To Change Passwords

Ebay will be forcing users to change their passwords later today, according to their announcement.  According to the announcement, employee credentials were stolen and used