Linkedin is a good marketing tool, but what else can it be used for?
Linkedin is ripe with information about people. In a targeted attack, facebook and linkedin would probably be the two places to start gathering information. Many
Linkedin is ripe with information about people. In a targeted attack, facebook and linkedin would probably be the two places to start gathering information. Many
This is related to our initial post about the PHP.net attack and whether or not the source code was compromised. According to this article, “One
Source – http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/12/17/are-the-websites-youre-using-tracking-what-you-type/ Backspacing, the select all/delete, hitting cancel or whatever it takes to avoid telling the world whatever it was that you typed may have
Source: http://threatpost.com/poor-patching-communication-facilitated-july-dept-of-energy-breach/103200 The U.S. Department of Energy is describes what lead to July breach Failures around vulnerability management, access controls and a general lack of communication
Source: http://threatpost.com/two-missing-insurance-laptops-may-impact-800k-people/103202 Someone broke into the offices of Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey and stole two laptops that contained the sensitive information of more
Source: http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57616054-83/target-investigating-massive-black-friday-data-breach-report/ Everyone will be attacked, and many will be breached. Have you taken steps to protect your organization or made plans for how to react
Do you have policies in place to protect your client’s data? Do you verify that your employees are following those policies? It was reported that
Today Microsoft released eleven security bulletins addressing 24 CVE’s. Five bulletins have a maximum severity rating of Critical while the other six have a maximum
If your not profiling, you’re not doing security…This is a great article that dispells some common misconceptions about the word profiling. http://www.danielmiessler.com/blog/security-profiling